Information about the guitar is input in order to produce a history of the guitar that can be used in the future to data that can be used to maintain the guitar based upon owners’ preferences.

Each Plek service provides for the actions required for optimum user defined string action, which considers string size, scale, nut height, and more.

First, the Plek scan is conducted to determine the overall condition of the neck and provides the information needed to correctly and accurately adjust the truss rod.
A "Virtual Fret Dress” is conducted, enabling our tech to accurately create a Plek procedure to resolve issues with playability, and customize it to the player's unique style.

With the additional guitar nut service (optional), the string spacing is optimized for comfort and playing preferences to yield perfection in feel and optics.
We tailor each fret dress to the set action, considering string size, scale, nut height, and more. The frets are fine-tuned for each string, as thicker strings need more relief while thinner strings need less.

The scanning process provides detailed Information about the string action to allow the final setup to be completed with excellence.
Nut and Saddle information is used to determine other setup adjustments that may be required to provide an optimized playing experience.